Location and general information

Location Kalebuka, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Start date 01/01/2020
End date 12/31/2020
Cost of the project €76,740
Foundation funding €18,000
Project identifier 2019997
Partners Georges Malaika Foundation
Categories Access to Sport - Personal development


Despite the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) being one of the wealthiest countries in the world due to its natural resources, a large majority of its population live in extreme poverty. This is also true of the area of Kalebuka (Lubumbashi) in the south-eastern part of the DRC where many services are lacking. The Munama quarter, where the Kalebuka Football for Hope Community Centre is located, has one of the lowest literacy rates in the country (source: Georges Malaika Foundation). Furthermore, the decades-long conflicts in the DRC have led to the displacement of many Congolese people in this area, with families often lacking the money to meet their basic needs, such as education and healthcare. This situation has also led to health issues, such as malaria, reproductive health problems, HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Members of the community have lacked education and opportunities to thrive, hampering their ability to make a significant change in their community.

Project content

The Georges Malaika Foundation believes in the enormous potential of the Congolese people to bring about change on their own terms. It aims to support the youth of Kalebuka in becoming future leaders who will bring about positive change in their community. To achieve this mission, the foundation offers access to a variety of sports, including football, basketball, tennis, and volleyball. Through the community centre, young people in Kalebuka have access to sports programmes which was not previously available to them. The centre allows boys and girls to play football and attend matches and tournaments. They have peer and coach-led mixed-sex football training, providing a common ground on which to relate and build trust. The foundation has also developed games and sporting activities that address issues relevant to the children such as conflict resolution, health and well-being, and gender equality.


  • Help young people living in Kalebuka access educational opportunities and become economically self-sufficient so that they can bring positive change to their community
  • Use sports activities to help change the internalised beliefs and practices of community members, such as gender inequality and ethnic conflicts
  • Improve health issues by giving young people the tools to remain healthy and active


Project activities

The Georges Malaika Foundation’s activities target three mains areas:

  • Leadership and life skills:

The foundation trains participants to become coaches and helps them develop leadership skills through sports. It attaches importance to engaging boys in activities with girls to promote gender equality.

  • Health:

The foundation has developed a fun programme which gives participants the opportunity to have open and honest discussions about relevant health topics, such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and general well-being. The coaches are trained to provide workshops on these topics, and football activities are used to promote the social messages.

  • Improvement of life outcomes:

Many of the foundation’s beneficiaries come from families affected by child and domestic abuse. By providing information and tools that allow young people to express their feelings and peacefully resolve conflict, the foundation aims to set in motion change that will positively affect their future, as well as lead to a community-wide decrease in conflict and abuse.

Expected results

Increase young people’s leadership skills through training programmes, thereby increasing the number of peer leaders and coaches 10 15
Create a safe space to discuss health topics and increase the number of young people attending health-based sports sessions 64 80
Improve life outcomes by positively changing the youth mentality in regards to conflict resolution, drug and alcohol use, domestic violence, etc. and increase the number of young people attending training sessions related to life outcomes 90 115


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