Location and general information

Location India, Nagpur
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €50,821
Foundation funding €36,011
Project identifier 20230438
Partners Krida Vikas Sanstha
Categories Access to Sport - Personal development


The COVID-19 lockdown caused havoc to the vulnerable psyches of disadvantaged slum children. Many became embroiled in antisocial or illegal activities, and then spent time in young offender institutions before returning to unsavoury disruptive habits on their release, which in turn often has a detrimental effect on their peers. The reason? Neither the young offender institutions nor the slums in which they live offer a conducive environment for healthy reformative activities. Consequently, these children are stigmatised and lose their self-esteem.

Project goals

  • To promote the social reintegration and rehabilitation of 350 young participants who have a history of antisocial activities or are considered to be at high risk of delinquency by giving them a safe space to play
  • Equipping the participants with basic life skills such as teamwork, communication and good health and hygiene habits to foster their personal development and self-esteem
  • To provide a platform for children to learn and play football and take part in grassroots tournaments for 350 participants

Project content

The programme uses the Sport for Development pedagogical approach to impart life skills through football training. Participating in a team sport gives delinquent and at-risk children a new focus and a better way to channel their energy, helping them to regain their self-esteem and reintegrate into society as law-abiding citizens.


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