Location and general information

Location Poland
Start date 12/01/2020
End date 08/31/2022
Cost of the project €100,131
Foundation funding €50,501
Project identifier 20200985
Partners Stowarzyszenie "Trenuj Bycie Dobrym"
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Infrastructure and equipment


Two of the biggest problems facing sports in Poland, especially youth football, are inequality and the exclusion of girls and women. Poland has 1,125,159 registered football players and only 40,695 of them are female. In fact, only 3% of players and coaches are female. Another problem is that sustainable development is not an important topic in Polish society and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are virtually unknown. Remedying these problems begins in schools where:

  • there are no separate PE lessons at primary school level (age 6–9);
  • there is a lack of global education connected to the SDGs;
  • team sports are promoted mainly among boys.

Project content

The aim of the project is to empower girls and women in football in Poland, especially at grassroots level, through football3 and cooperation with schools. The project will stress that football is a game for everyone by encouraging boys and girls to play together. Playing football3 teaches the fundamental values of equality, respect and cooperation.


  • Promote equal access to football and equal treatment of women and girls in football in Poland through football3.
  • Increase the number of female football3 coaches and mediators in Poland through training.
  • Promote equality, respect and cooperation between boys and girls through football3 in Polish schools.
  • Promote the SDGs, in particular SDG 5: Gender Equality.

Project activities

  • Organising football3 lessons in 33 schools in rural areas for over 7,000 children, including a minimum of 3,600 girls.
  • Providing football3 training to 33 female coaches and 33 female mediators.
  • Organising 33 local community football3 tournaments (in villages and small towns) promoting the SDGs for over 2,000 participants.
  • Organising a final football3 festival in Warsaw for 240 children (aged 6–9), at least 50% of whom are girls from rural areas.
  • Creating 11 local teams (leaders, teachers and volunteers) with an equal gender balance.
  • Creating three online preparatory training courses for leaders, teachers and volunteers.
  • Creating an online certification course for female football3 coaches and mediators.
  • Translating the online certification course into Polish.

Expected results

  • 528 football3 lessons for boys and girls.
  • 33 local community football3 tournaments.
  • Over 50 agreements with volunteers.
  • A documentary clip about the football3 festival in Warsaw.
  • An online football3 certification course available in Polish.
  • 33 certified female football3 coaches.
  • 33 certified female football3 mediators.
  • An impact report.


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