Location and general information

Location Morocco, Rissani
Start date 01/01/2022
End date 12/31/2022
Cost of the project €60,000
Foundation funding €30,000
Project identifier 20210570
Partners Association Enfants du Désert
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Infrastructure and equipment


The population of Rissani, a town in the Moroccan desert, has risen enormously over the past ten years; however, the town’s infrastructure has not kept pace. While there are some dynamic clubs that try to provide underprivileged youngsters with access to sport, the lack of funding and decent equipment means that they do not have the facilities they need. The Football in Rissani project was launched to overcome this issue and enable all youngsters, both girls and boys, to enjoy the advantages of sport.

Project content

The Football in Rissani project will build a dedicated sports area in two locations in the town, consisting of an enclosed football pitch, equipped changing rooms, toilets and running water. Playing equipment (balls, bibs, cones, etc.) will also also provided. The facilities will be built by a team of local builders that Enfants du Désert has been working with for 17 years.


  • Give youngsters from underprivileged families access to sport.
  • Encourage boys and girls to mix while enabling girls to enjoy sport in a suitable, safe environment.
  • Provide extracurricular activities for young people.
  • Promote education through sport by exposing young people to values such as team spirit and tolerance while. promoting trust and self-confidence.
  • Support the activities of sports clubs.
  • Encourage socialisation among young people.

Project activities

  • Building infrastructure (pitches, changing rooms, toilets, enclosure).
  • Providing two local clubs with equipment.
  • Weekly training sessions in partnership with two local sports clubs.
  • Organising friendly tournaments and open days to encourage more youngsters to discover and take up sport.

Expected results

  • Reduced inequalities through extracurricular activities.
  • Reduction in inappropriate behaviour among teenagers due to their enthusiastic participation in the activities giving. them a sense of belonging and achievement.
  • More youngsters regularly taking part in local life and sport thanks to the new facilities.
  • More girls taking part in sport.


Other projects in Africa

Diepsloot Safe-Hub Empower Play programme
Fun Football in Nigeria
Sport in the Village
Diangsport (Education through sport in Wolof)