Location and general information

<b>Football for Development</b> in the Czech Republic Closed
Location Prague, Usti nad Labem region, Pislen region, Ostrava region, Karlovy Vary region, Czech Republic
Start date 01/01/2018
End date 12/31/2018
Cost of the project €77,050
Foundation funding €61,640
Project identifier EUR - 0136
Partners INEX - Association for Voluntary Activities
Categories Access to Sport - Personal development


INEX is a non-governmental not-for-profit organisation founded in 1991 that supports international work and intercultural education. One of its flagship projects, Football for Development, engages young people in the Czech Republic by means of football-based informal educational activities. The project is run in various urban environments in the Czech Republic (Prague, Usti nad Labem region, Pilsen region, Ostrava region, Karlovy Vary region), where INEX partners with low-threshold clubs, social services, youth clubs, leisure centres, orphanages and youth detention centres. The target group comprises children and teenagers who are at risk of social exclusion or discrimination due to their ethnic background or where they live. Thanks to the work of these organisations, the children and teenagers enjoy a safe space for social interaction and personal development.

The aim is to provide a way for these youngsters to re-engage with society and develop skills they need to be active and responsible citizens. Experience shows that regular planned sporting activities are effective. Football is a comprehensive learning and preventive tool using rules and options to resolve conflicts without violence.

Project content

Because sport, and football in particular, is very popular among young people, it plays an active role in combating discrimination, intolerance, racism, xenophobia and violence. The Football3 methodology*, based on the principle of fair play, inclusion and mutual respect, is used to instil important social values, such as teamwork, discussion, and mutual understanding. It also develops the ability to create rules.


The foundation’s support will enable a national network of Football3 leagues to be set up and extend the regional implementation of Football3 methodology into the everyday work of Football for Development’s partner organisations with their target groups. Each league will feature matchdays where groups from different organisations and backgrounds will play together in a spirit of respect and fair play.

  • 4 matchdays in each of the four regions (these will count towards the total points at the end of the respective league competition)
  • 1-day training in the use of Football3 methodology and to endorse the role of mediator
  • 1 workshop per region before the league starts to prepare the participants for the special football format
  • 2 national coordination meetings to arrange the schedule, participation criteria and guidelines and the evaluation process
  • 1 national final matchday to be held in one of the regions and organised as a public event. Two teams from each region will qualify for the finals.

Expected results

  • Lay the foundation for regular Football3 league matches.
  • Create a sustainable and independent network of Football3 leagues throughout the Czech Republic.
  • Focus on educating youngsters in targeted communities and encourage their continued involvement in the activities after reaching adulthood.
  • These individuals will work as role models in their communities to share and multiply the ideas and principles of the project.

* Football3 methodology is used by the streetfootballworld network. It harnesses the educational potential of street football by ensuring that dialogue and fair play are integral to the game. Its overall objective is to promote life skills and empower young people to become leaders. The emphasis is on resolving conflict through dialogue.


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