Location and general information

Location Lebanon
Start date 03/01/2023
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €95,000
Foundation funding €63,500
Project identifier 2023001222
Partners Tawazon
Categories Access to Sport - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


Lebanon has been hit by a succession of economic, health, social and political crises since October 2019, exacerbated by the huge explosion at a Beirut port in August 2020. Football for All aims to help Lebanese children affected by this crisis by providing them with access to football training centres.


Project goals

  • Create safe spaces where young people can play football
  • Give disadvantaged children access to structured football training sessions so that they can spend their free time on the pitch instead of falling victim to the dangers and vices that surround them.
  • Teach children football skills and instil in them its core values (working together, team spirit, fair play, mutual aid and community) while shielding them from political, religious and sectarian conflicts
  • Promote the personal development social integration of the country’s young people

Project content

Former members of the Lebanese national team, qualified as coaches, deliver three training sessions each week at five training centres across the country, each in a different region. A coordinator liaises and organises matches between the centres.


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