Location and general information

Location Beyrouth, North Bekaa, Lebanon
Start date 01/01/2023
End date 12/31/2023
Cost of the project €90240
Foundation funding €60000
Project identifier 20220033
Partners Tawazon Initiative for Development (TID)
Categories Access to Sport - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


The Football for All project helps Lebanese children who are suffering as a result of the severe economic, health, social and political crises that have afflicted Lebanon since October 2019. These circumstances became even more difficult after the devastating explosion in the port of Beirut in August 2020.

Project goals

  • Create safe spaces for young players to enjoy football.
  • Give children from deprived backgrounds access to structured football training, taking into account that they may not be able to use existing football structures given the dangers and unpredictability of the streets in the current climate in Lebanon.
  • Offer children football training with all its associated values (cohesion, team spirit, fair play, mutual assistance, solidarity), while offering respite from sectarian, political and religious conflicts.
  • Promote the personal development and integration of young Lebanese people into society. Offer a healthy after-school activity.

Project content

The project gives children access to football training centres. Former Lebanese international players, qualified to teach, will provide two training sessions and a match every week. A coordinator will liaise and organise matches between training centres. Five training centres will open their doors to children in Lebanon’s five regions.


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