Location and general information

Location Kabul, Charikar and Bagram, Afghanistan
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 12/31/2024
Cost of the project €258,558
Foundation funding €75,000
Project identifier 20231088
Partners Action for Development
Categories Access to Sport - Conflict victims - Employability - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Infrastructure and equipment - Personal development


Extreme poverty and food insecurity have increased in Afghanistan since the Taliban took over and banned education for girls. Poverty due to the failing economy has caused an increase in vulnerable children seeking survival on the streets doing small jobs or selling items to support themselves and their families. These children come from vulnerable families, some of which have migrated to the cities in search of better living conditions, security and food. They are employed in dangerous jobs, exposing them to abuse, illness, injury or even death.

Project goals

AfD supports street-working children (6–13 years old) by providing semi-formal education (basic literacy, numeracy, sport) and food, psychosocial support, football training, etc. We also have a class of 49 children who receive vocational training (English and computer classes). Since the education ban, AfD has set up home-based schools to provide girls over 13 years old with an education. The organisation is committed to empowering children to build their resilience.

The main objective is to provide children with quality education so that they can support themselves when they become adults. Our aim is to reduce poverty and child labour. With a rise in street-working children, AfD’s objective is to open more classes. The goals are as follows:

  • Provide access to quality education and food for 750 children (through centres for street working children and home-based schools)
  • Improve gender parity
  • Enhance opportunities for girls to gain an education through a digital learning platform
  • Increase the capacity of the vocational education and training programme to 50 students

Project content

The various activities and programmes organised to achieve the above goals are as follows:

  • Introduce a digital platform to increase access of girls above 13 years old to quality education.
  • Establish 6 education centres to facilitate enrolment of girls and street-working children.
  • Provide one daily meal, football lessons, health checks and vaccinations to street working children.
  • Conduct awareness sessions on the importance of education and sport for girls.
  • Increase the participation of teachers in teacher training sessions.
  • Ensure a safe learning environment for social inclusion and networking.


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