Location and general information

Terre des Hommes Italy is taking part in the CREATE project (Children’s Recreational and Extracurricular Activities Through Education). The proposed activities are aimed at tackling the existing challenges in children’s education and psychosocial development in East Jerusalem by promoting physical and psychosocial well-being, inclusion and high quality education for vulnerable children. The project predominantly aims to reach children and adolescents affected by the difficult circumstances in which they live, as well as their educators and caregivers. Since schools face huge problems acquiring textbooks and ensuring their financial independence and since they often lack proper playgrounds or sports equipment they do not have the capacity to offer children opportunities outside of the taught classes. This issue is exacerbated by the overall lack of safe and child-friendly outdoor spaces in East Jerusalem.
Project content
The main project activities are grouped into five areas:
- Training, on-the-job guidance and follow-up activities for educators, teachers and head teachers from ten schools in East Jerusalem aimed at helping trainees gain an understanding of and encourage the practice of inclusion.
- Production of inclusive educational materials (such as factsheets, articles, training tools, educational handouts for educators) which will then be uploaded to the Arabic/English discussion forum on inclusive education (inclusionpalestine.org).
- Extracurricular and sports activities (sporting, recreational, educational and creative/expressive activities – to include sports and healthy living, art, gardening, environmental awareness, music and movement).
- Networking, coordination and sharing of experiences and best practices between schools and institutional stakeholders (mainly the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) and the Jerusalem Directorate of Education (JDoE))
- Management, monitoring, evaluation and reporting
- Contribute to enabling Palestinian children in East Jerusalem to fully enjoy their right to education by improving the quality, opportunities and inclusiveness of the educational offer provided by schools in East Jerusalem.
Project activities
- Participatory workshops with educators and teachers to work on the design of inclusive educational activities
- Producing educational tools
- Updating the online Arabic/English discussion forum on inclusive education
- Organising regular inclusive extracurricular activities
- Networking activities for schools / sharing best practices
- Coordination of regular meetings with the JDoE and the MoEHE
Expected results
- Direct beneficiaries: 160 teachers in ten schools in East Jerusalem
- 1,500 children aged 5 to 15 (53% F, 47% M) enrolled in targeted educational institutions
Two workshops/visits to each school