Location and general information

Location Spain, Madrid
Start date 01/01/2025
End date 12/31/2025
Cost of the project €197,113
Foundation funding €20,000
Project identifier 2024000241
Partners Asociación Alacrán 1997
Categories Access to Sport - Children with disabilities - Gender Equality - Healthy lifestyle - Personal development


Children and adolescents are increasingly vulnerable to anxiety, stress and isolation, which all have detrimental effects on their mental and physical health. Common symptoms include unhealthy eating, sleep and smartphone habits and a higher risk of abuse of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.

Project goals

  • Support the personal and social development of vulnerable children and adolescents through the acquisition of life skills and values
  • Create a protective and caring space for children and adolescents in a community environment where their rights are sure to be respected
  • Help the children and adolescents take a leading role in replicating the project and activities in their communities

Project content

Convivimos, Aprendemos y Jugamos is designed to lessen the vulnerability of children and adolescents in Madrid, promoting their personal and social development in a safe and caring space. Through football and other socio-educational activities, it promotes the acquisition of life skills and values and fosters improvements in coexistence within the surrounding community.


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